Q: "Rachel, what is your favorite thing to make?"
A: This is a very vague question. Driven by my mood swings, the occasion, time, money...there could be a lot of different answers. In general, I like baking all things. The process of setting up, measuring, mixing techniques, that's like meditation to me, no matter what the final product may be. When people ask me this question, I feel like they want me to say some grand dessert with a million bells and whistles, but I get the most pleasure out of creating a beautiful cake that lights up a room and satisfies the desires of my clients.
Also, as simple as it may sound, I still get a little giddy when making ganache (pronounced "guh-nosh"). Boiling hot cream is poured over chopped chocolate and stirred to create the most silky, sinful, velveteen concoction of decadence. Two ordinary things come together as liquid sin. I could take a bath in it.
Image via treschicbellevue.wordpress.com |
Pray, Rachel, what ARE you favorite sweets to eat?
Number 1: Cookie Dough
I just can't help myself. I'm one of those people that enjoys the dough more than baked cookies. At work, if there is fresh cookie dough around, I'm in it. Maybe I even sneak it from the freezer.
Number 2: Dark Chocolate
Via Guidespot.com |
Mmmm, Scharffen Berger is so good. I prefer at least 60-80% cacao content. A good "snap" is also important, that is, when you break off a piece of chocolate, it has a loud, hard break to it. This means we have some high quality product on our hands, with a good amount of cocoa butter. The flip side would be a low quality bar made with more vegetable fat
[coughHersheyscoughcough], which solidifies softer and melts faster than cocoa butter. And don't get me started on milk chocolate - that stuff's for babies.
Number 3 -
Ice Cream/Gelato/Frozen Custard
Via Benjerry.com |
Where do I begin...well, with Phish Food. Chocolate, caramel, marshmallow. Win, win, win. But I'll eat any ice cream, I'm not bias. As a kid, my favorite was Chocolate Chip Mint, and I still feel like it should always be green colored, artificial dyes be damned. Ice cream is an occasional treat for me, so I like to go big when I do have the change to indulge. None if this one scoop crap. Give me the bucket.
Wishing you all a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend with plenty of your favorite sweets! Congratulations to the vet students who complete their last day of school today!!!