Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Unique Wedding Dresses

Let me begin by saying I am not getting married any time soon.  Yes, I love Mr. Scott with the fire of a thousand suns.  No, I will not consider going to the courthouse.  End of story. 

However, I have to think about weddings every day, so obviously I'm going to see things I like (I'm a girl, for crying out loud).  For example, the wedding dresses at  So unique, some of the least cookie-cutter dresses I have ever seen at a med-level price point.  BHLDN, short for "Beholden," is an a new off shoot of the mall favorite Anthropology, so you know it's going to have that mix of whimsy and shabby chic.

All images from

I'm not sure how a lot of gals feel about shopping for a wedding dress online, which I think is the only way to get a hold of one of these.  Double check that return policy.



Anonymous said...

Oh man, love those dresses. Thanks for a new way to waste time during class :P

wiggi12 said...

Ha ha! You would look fabulous in anything!!!