Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh baby

I did this cake for a baby shower last Saturday. There were 115 guest expected, and this cake cost around $900. I REALLY wanted it to be flawless. It wasn't. It did look great, but I could have pointed out a million little things I wished I had done better. Cakes like this that don't have a lot going on are actually quite hard because there is no way to cover up little blips. It's hard not being as good as I want to be. I can see it! I can see how good I want to be, and where I need to improve, it just takes more practice, and I am the queen of impatience.
Nonetheless, itsn't it great that people are spending such crazy money on our cakes?! Insane! We're trucking along in this slow economy.

Best wishes,


Kate Wille said...

I think it's beautiful, I can't see any flaws. Stop being so hard on yourself!

forgetfulstitcher9 said...

You should be extremely proud of this cake, it's gorgeous. I know what it's like to be a perfectionist, especially when it comes to making something that is going to be seen by others. Nothing is good enough, there's always 1 little thing that could be better, but, I bet you're awesome. BTW, I too went to J&W 16yrs ago and never actually went into the biz. I am once again back to my first love "trying" to use lost knowledge, and to me it's not fit for others, but I'm getting compliments. Keep going, patience wasn't a virtue granted to me either, so once again, I know how you feel.