Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Cider Chronicles: Part 1- The Story Begins

Here's the deal:  A couple years ago, my uncle, Uncle Steve, aka "Unka Steve" took me as his travel companion to London.  Yes, London, England, silly.  Apart from the fabulous museums, historical sights, Paris, shopping, and double-decker bus rides, there is one distinct and special memory that stands out in my mind from the trip.

We were staying at a relatively nice hostel in Notting Hill on the edge of a large, public park.  I think that day we had gone to Kensington Palace and seen evening gowns worn by Princess Diana, among other things.  Unka had mentioned finding some hard cider for me to taste for the first time, and while wondering the streets in search of dinner, we came upon a quaint wine and spirits shop.  There we procured a bottle of Weston's hard cider.

Now, alcohol is not allowed at the hostel, as is drinking on the streets.  But that's not an issue when you have a brown paper sack and the cover of night to hide your liquor.  Unka and I meandered through the park like a couple of vagabonds, and took in the quiet of the evening.  The cider was crisp and refreshing, a light, sweet finish to the meal we just had.  Upon our return, I slept like a kitten in my hostel bunk.

Thus began my fascination with hard ciders.  This series will highlight some common brands of cider to be found in the US and their varying flavor nuances, Mr. Scott and I's adventures in making cider at home (it's easier than you think!), recipes, and more!

At the top of St. Paul's Cathedral, overlooking London.  Boring brown hair.



Anonymous said...

Ok, I want to know all about hard cider! Your blog is great!

Auntie Jane

Stephen said...

Unka Steve, finally checking in.

I'm looking forward with ...anticipation... to learning more about cider/s through your promise of an ongoing Cider Chronicles. Let me know when you need a taste tester, or perhaps some independent analysis.

I still like the very dry Apfelvoi I started with in Sachsenhausen, a tiny suburb of Frankfurt/M, Germany. The only comparable cider I ever had was made by Widmer Brothers, produced in Portland, OR, but unfortunately they no longer make it.

The London hostel (and local park) was called Holland Park, an old manor house conveniently located between Kensington and Notting Hill.

More, more!