Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Game Night

It has become somewhat of a ritual for a talented group of young vet students (and their mates) to congregate at the apartment of Mr. Scott and I to play Catan on the weekends.  If you have never heard of Catan, check it out here.  A game of strategy and a little luck, there are so many expansion packs and variations on the game, it never gets boring.  Of course, imbibing is always involved, and I think our drunken ramblings make the game take twice as long.

  Another tradition of Catan-ing is the ceremonial gorging on delicious treats provided by participants.  The word "diet" does not exist for the night.  Here are samples from one such night recently.

Fresh Fields Garlic Asiago bread

My beloved brother sent this tin of assorted butter cookies from Korea, where he is currently stationed with the Air Force.  Hello Kitty happens to be my number 2 obsession (behind cakes, of course).  More on that later.
Flourless Chocolate Decadence Cake from Fresh Fields, served with homemade mascarpone cream, fresh raspberries, and a chocolate butter cookie.   


Our "Robber" piece went missing (I suspect a cat named Murph...), so Hello Kitty became the stand-in.  Don't let those doe eyes fool you! 

1 comment:

Kate Wille said...

Oh Rachel, I love you. Jealous we can't be there for the food and the games! Someday we'll all be in the same state, maybe. :) BTW the bread sounds amazing.