Sunday, November 27, 2011

{Insert Cheeky Fashion Title Here}

We are having a very odd beginning to winter here in MN.  Last year = snowpocolypse, this year = unseasonably warm.  We had a record-breaking high of 59 degrees on Thanksgiving!  While I am thankful for a milder winter this year, I do look forward to cold-weather fashions.  These are some of my most enviable looks from my favorite fashion bloggers. 

Jessica Quirk of What I Wore does an awesome job of mixing prints.  I would die for this kitty print top and chevron cape!  Slim-fitting cords in unexpected hues are also on my list.
I recently picked up a great fitting blazer for $20!  Hats make me look bald, perhaps a headband instead?  I'd rock the heels like Jagger.

Fashion Zen's Iris makes me want to grow out my hair every time I visit her blog.  If I didn't have watermelons for knees I would wear the heels and socks combo, but in this case I'd swap in tights.  Loving the cranberry and mustard palate and houndstooth coat (Black and white, how I love thee...)

So dramatic, so glamorous.  Atlantic-Pacific blogger Blair is too a good way.

Needs tights for MN, but how chic!?  Camel and black could be the new black and white...

Let it be known - If I had the opportunity to wear sequined pants, I would, a la The Man Repeller.  Bonus point for heels with bows.

And there you have it:  What I would wear every day if I weren't in chef pants and Keens. 
Tell me which are your favorite looks!


1 comment:

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

All nice looks! I'm pretty much aged past the fashionista stage, but I can still rock the nice blazer and pair o' jeans combo. With nice accessories!
Love the houndstooth, such a retro sixties throwback.